
News Stories

Nadene Williams Presentation Black History Month Feb. 2, 2022

Nadine Williams, a native of St. Mary Parish, Jamaica, is an Award Winning Poet, Author and entrepreneur. She credits her success to the humble beginnings of reading under the kerosene lamplight to her family as a child, coupled with being reared by witty grandparents who spoke in parables all the time.  Her current project is poetry on canvas, which has been used as ... Continue reading "Nadene Williams Presentation Black History Month Feb. 2, 2022"

Winter Walk Day February 2, 2022

Embrace the weather ☃️ ❄️and celebrate Winter Walk Day on Wednesday, February 2, 2022. It’s a great time to promote and participate in walking and physical activity! 

Physical activity is essential to our health and well-being. Time spent outside is important for mental health, increased physical activity, and social well-being. Children who are active have improved moods and academic performance and ... Continue reading "Winter Walk Day February 2, 2022"

Terry Fox Walk/Run

St. Emily CES hosts the annual Terry Fox Walk/Run on Tuesday, Oct. 5. Students will run or walk with their classmates. Please be sure to dress for the weather and show us your spirit by wearing Red and White for Terry! Students who choose not to wear red and white should be in standardized dress. To donate to this worthy cause, please click ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Walk/Run"

Spirit Wear available!

Spirit wear is now available! Families are invited to visit the Sharc Sales website to view the items available for purchase. There are tops, hoodies, shorts and pants available – all with the school’s Sabres logo. This online store will be open to the St. Emily community from Thursday, September 30 to Friday, October 15.

Sacraments Update

Congratulations to our students who celebrated their first Holy Communion today. Many thanks to St. Clare of Assisi parish for their efforts in making this a special day for students and their families.

Confirmation takes place at St. Clare of Assisi Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday, September 22 at 7 p.m. Please be advised that seating is limited to the Confirmande, ... Continue reading "Sacraments Update"