Category: General

YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan

Dear York Catholic District School Board Families,

The Board of Trustees and Senior Team are dedicated to the sound financial management of the money entrusted to us by the public. Unfortunately, the York Catholic DSB has faced several financial challenges in recent years, including declining school enrolment in our elementary schools, inadequate funding for special education, and rising transportation and IT infrastructure costs. ... Continue reading "YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan"


On Wednesday June 26th, SEY will be hosting a Uniform Swap Event from 5:00p – 7:00 pm in the School Gymnasium.

Drop your gently used and pre-washed school uniforms to school from now until Monday June 24th.

This is a free event, and all are welcome!



The York Catholic District School Board recognizes concerns related to pediculosis (head lice) at the school and community level. Pediculosis (head lice) are not a public hazard, as they do not cause illness, but they are a nuisance. To prevent pediculosis (head lice) from becoming a problem at our school we all need to work together. Please check your child’s head on ... Continue reading "PEDICULOSIS (HEAD LICE)"

Vive le Carnaval!

St. Emily hosts Carnaval this week! Mme. Galeano, Mme. Iannello and Mme. Oliva have prepared activities and theme days to help raise the spirits of students and staff alike. Please see the schedule below for details.


Random Acts of Kindness Week

Random Acts of Kindness week is underway at St. Emily! Each day revolves around a different theme. Classes are engaging in read alouds and activities to promote kindness. We’re grateful to the Mental Health Committee (Ms. Palozzi, Ms. Capulli, Ms. Bath, Ms. D’Emilio and Mme. Galeano) for organizing this worthy initiative!