2022 YCDSB Distinguished Alumni Awards
Nominations Open! The YCDSB Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the return of its Distinguished Alumni Awards.
Nominations Open! The YCDSB Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the return of its Distinguished Alumni Awards.
Nadine Williams, a native of St. Mary Parish, Jamaica, is an Award Winning Poet, Author and entrepreneur. She credits her success to the humble beginnings of reading under the kerosene lamplight to her family as a child, coupled with being reared by witty grandparents who spoke in parables all the time. Her current project is poetry on canvas, which has been used as ... Continue reading "Nadene Williams Presentation Black History Month Feb. 2, 2022"
Embrace the weather ☃️ ❄️and celebrate Winter Walk Day on Wednesday, February 2, 2022. It’s a great time to promote and participate in walking and physical activity!
Physical activity is essential to our health and well-being. Time spent outside is important for mental health, increased physical activity, and social well-being. Children who are active have improved moods and academic performance and ... Continue reading "Winter Walk Day February 2, 2022"
York Catholic schools are pleased to join schools across Canada in celebrating Winter Walk Day on Wednesday, February 2, 2022! Each year, Winter Walk Day takes place on the first Wednesday of February. Walking to and from school is fun every day, so we encourage you to journey outside throughout the entire month of February! If you are remote learning, you can always plan to ... Continue reading "Winter Walk Day is February 2nd"
Mental Health week activities start on Monday January 24, 2022! Colouring activities on Mindfulness Monday, Music at recess on Tuneful Tuesday, wear blue on Wednesday, thankful prayer writing on Thankful Thursday and Friday fitness!
The York Catholic District School Board is preparing to mark Bell Let’s Talk Day on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. This year’s Bell Let’s Talk Day campaign highlights the ways that we can support ourselves and those we care about through actions like listening, being there and talking. As we continue to focus on action to increase awareness around mental health and mental illness, we ... Continue reading "Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022: Supporting ourselves and each other"